1. According to the Crash Course video,Why do cinema audiences end up with "only reboots and dystopian fantasies"? Hollywood is driven by trends and the success of one film or genre inspires the others.
  2. According to the Crash Course video, what is Classical Hollywood Cinema? particular style of filmmaking where he stories were chaste, formulaic and mostly upbeat.
  3. What is high key lighting and who uses it? A flat generic form of lighting that ensured the entire image was clearly visible.
  4. What happened in the European Film Industry after WW2? Italian Neo-Realism was created.
  5. Who was Roberto Rosellini and what did he do? A filmmaker who was a working director before the war and started shooting as soon as the fighting ended.
  6. Which film movement was he associated with? Italian Neo-realism
  7. What happened in the late 1950s in France? group of opinionated young film lovers started writing for a movie magazine called 'Cahiers du cinema',
  8. What did critics of the Studio System accuse them of? "Spoon feeding their audiences rather than respecting their intelligence."
  9. Who was Jean-Luc Godard? One of the most prominent writers of he magazine.
  10. Did Jean-luc Godard admire any Hollywood directors? Elaborate.
  11. What is the French New Wave?  Describe and name 3 directors and films.
  12. What happened in the US in 1948 and what effect did it have on their film industry?
  13. What happened in the US in the 1970s? Describe.
  14. What do studio executives like?
  15. Why was Bonnie and Clyde a watershed moment in US film history?
  16. Which other films were made in this period?
  17. What is New Hollywood Cinema? When was it? Name 3 directors and films.
  18. What were Summer Blockbusters? When did they arise? Give 2 examples of directors and films.
  19. What happened to Hollywood Studios at this time?
  20. What happened to US Cinema in the 1990s? Describe with examples.


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